Hourly Rates
We believe people want value for money, not just a cheap hourly rate. If you are comparing the Hourly rates charged for services rendered it is important to take in account the speed and the quality of a worker, their experience and their ability to communicate. Because of this, hourly rates are ambiguous. So choose you tradesperson on recommendation.
- Prices are subject to change without notice so always check with our office to verify our current charges.
- We cover all work and hold a full comprehensive insurance policy of $20,000,000.
- Please ask for a quote for larger jobs or projects.
- We do reduced rates for works requiring more than 5.5 hours per day and where staff are required to do a 7.5 hour day on extended projects.
- After hours and weekend call out fees apply according to Plumbing.
Fully Qualified Tradesperson, 40 years’ experience
$138.00 + GST
Qualified Tradesperson, 6 years’ experience
$133.00 + GST
Apprentice, 4 years’ experience
Purchase Orders required
Our quotes remain valid for 30 days from date indicated. Once we have received approval in writing to go ahead with the work we ask that you sign and date, indicating your payment method, and return this via our accounts email. Should you want to go ahead with the work after the 30 day period a new quotation will be made and offered to you.
Service calls apply to all new jobs.
We introduce the service call for environmental reasons. This has saved an average of 4000 Km per year and has increased our production time on site, the introduction of service calls rather than travel time has provided our clients the motivation for grouping small jobs under one service call. All times are Itemised with descriptions detailing what is being done such as; Re: attend site and Procuring materials necessary to undertake and or complete works required.
Our quotes remain valid for 30 days from the date indicated. Once we have received approval in writing to go ahead with the work we ask that you sign and date, indicating your payment method, and return this via our accounts email. Should you want to go ahead with the work after the 30 day period a
new quotation will be made and offered to you.
CPI Increases
Due to a CPI increase over the past 12 months of 6.5%, and the need to meet everyday expenses, it is normal to increase our rates. If you are struggling to pay for work rendered, please talk with us about a payment plan.
Making Payment of Invoices
Due to costs associated with Credit Card transactions charged by the financial institutions we prefer payments be made via direct debit or EFT. We will continue to offer the credit card payments option online but to reduce your cost of work carried out please read your invoice carefully.
Overdue Invoice Payments
Invoices that are overdue from the date and will be sent to our debt-collecting agency – EC Credit Control – where they will commence collection proceedings. Grace is offered by offering extensions and or payment plans but you must contact our office. Any offers will be made in writing and not simply verbal.
Time is charged on production only – I.E.
- While on job site and off site
- WHS assessing and reporting
- Procuring materials
- Reporting
- Assessing scope of works
- Producing materials
- Planning scheduled works
- Mapping and locating
Time not charged for onsite – I.E.
- Non-work-related conversations
- Mistakes – very rare
Terms & Conditions
Minimum of 30 mins charge for any job.
- + Service call fees
- + GST
- + 2% Over Due fees for late payments.
- + $35 Fee for each invoice outstanding.
Please ensure you are able to meet your commitment at the completion of the work performed.
- Cash
- Cheque
- Direct Deposit
- Credit Card
- Payment on the day or job completion.
- 7 days from the date of invoice.
- 14 day accounts (to approved customers)
Rick’s Plumbing Service Hourly Rate Formula
We take all our budgeted expenses for a year and divide them into the amount of chargeable hours that can be worked in one year. Referencing Cordell’s pricing structure. We add the budgeted expenses of the individual employees applying a division of expenses into the employee’s expenses and divide them into the chargeable hours, 37 years in business has given me a clear understanding of these costs hence I present our costs with confidence and integrity. If you would like to know more email me.